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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oprah gives again: Parents of miracle Facebook sextuplets moved to tears by chat show queen's generosity



Internet sensation: This is the Facebook picture which made the McGhee family overnight celebrities and which attracted the attention of Oprah

It was a picture that said a thousand words.

And one woman believed it was worth several hundred thousand.

Oprah Winfrey today gave the McGhee family and their miracle sextuplets $250,000 credit at Walmart as well as a honeymoon in Las Vegas - despite the fact the couple got married 11 years ago.

Rozonno and Mia McGhee and their sextuplets - Olivia, Madison, Rozonno Jr, Josiah, Elijah and Isaac - appeared on the show today after they became an internet sensation when Mia posted a family photo on her Facebook page.

As well as millions of other people all over the world, Oprah seen it and thought: 'I love that picture, I have to meet them.'

The McGhees are the first in Columus to have sextuplets and they said their case was very different from so-called Octomom Nadya Suleman.

Suleman was overwhelmed with financial help after her story of eight miracle babies was publicised.

But for the McGhees, very few people came forward to give them the financial help they needed.

On the show, the couple told the chat-show queen how difficult and expensive it is raising the six babies and revealed they go through 50 diapers and 30 bottles a day.

Gratitude: Left, Mia McGhee is comforted by her husband as she breaks down in tears at Oprah's gift. Right, Rozonno McGhee hugs Oprah after learning she has given them $250,000 in credit at Walmart and a long overdue honeymoon in Las Vegas

The couple, who are both from impoverished backgrounds, started dating when they were in high school and married when they were 18 and 19 years old.

They were determined to create the kind of family they never had.

Mia - whose mother was on welfare and two brothers were involved in criminal activity - said: 'Since I didn't have a father, I've always wanted my children to have a father. I wanted, of course, to graduate from high school, go to college, get married.'

ut the couple tried to have a baby for three years before finally turning to fertility treatment.

They then received the news they were expecting twins but just after they were born they died.

Rozonno - whose own mother was addicted to crack - said he wondered why God had done that to them.

Soon after however the couple learned that they were expecting again - this time with sextuplets.

And despite the sleep deprivation and constant diaper changing, Mia and Rozonno say they're thankful for their miracle babies.

Mia said: 'It can become overwhelming, but it's a joy. It's a joy being a mom now.'

While Rozonno runs his carpet-cleaning service, Mia stays at home with the sextuplets, though they said they do get some help during the week.

Tickets: Celine Dion was also a guest on Oprah's show and gave the McGhee's front row tickets to her show as well as a pair to members of the audience

They told Oprah what it was like raising six babies.
Mia said: 'Most days, maybe two or three people come throughout the morning and then the night to help with baths and help with clean up.

'I stick to a schedule and clean the babies' bottles as soon as they're done eating and dispose of their diapers regularly. That keeps the smell down.
'When I was at the airport I actually held one baby and changed another.'

She said she works hard to be the best mother she can be to the sextuplets, and has inspiring dreams for her family.

'I want to make sure I instill values in them. First love God - know God and love God first because he brought them here with purpose.'

'But I want them also to get an education, a good education. That's something we're still working on, which we're going to do. ... And just be productive citizens.'

Oprah told the couple: 'Well, there are some very caring neighbours in your community. These are folks who work at your local Walmart, and let me just tell you this, they are looking forward to meeting all of you.'

As well as the credit at Walmart , the couple also met Celine Dion who told them about the four-night honeymoon at Caesar's Palace and front row seats at her concert.
The couple said as well as missing out on a honeymoon, they had not had a holiday in their 11 years of marriage.

They fought back tears and were clearly overwhelmed by the generosity of the chat-show host.

And in true Oprah-style, she also gave everyone in the audience two tickets to Celine's show as well as two free nights at Caesars Palace.

'Today is your lucky day,' Oprah told them.

Oprah Winfrey - Celine Dion & the TV Debut of Her Miracle Twins February 21 2011 Live Billy Joel

source: dailymail [endtext]