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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tuned in: Hospital takes classical approach to soothe newborns... by playing Mozart through headphones


Lullaby: Newborn Nela listens to Mozart in Slovakia

A clinic in Slovakia has found a way to comfort newborn babies that are separated from their mothers for treatment - classical music.

Using regular size headphones that appear gigantic on the babies' tiny heads, the maternity ward in Kosice-Saca hospital has them listening to Mozart or Vivaldi.

During a recent visit to the clinic, chief Dr. Slavka Viragova said the music functions as a replacement for a mother's voice and is helping the babies breathe regularly and maintain a proper heart beat.

It seems to have struck a chord with two-day-old Nela, below.

Snooze: Baby Bruno drifts off to Vivaldi

Dr. Slavka Viragová, who launched the music project, claims that Mozart helps the infant to recall the mother when she is not with them.

She said: 'The birth trauma is enormously stressful for the baby. Music therapy helps a baby to gain weight, get rid of stress and handle pain better.'

The babies listen to soothing music 5-6 times a day, from Mozart to natural forest sounds. Nurses also use the method to care for premature babies as it helps to stabilise their breathing.

Radio gaga: Newborn baby listens to music which will help him relax without his mother

Nap time: Staff play classical music to little Nela

source: dailymail