Heidi Montag is desperate to go back under the knife, yet again.
But this time, the Hills reality star, who famously underwent ten plastic surgery procedures in one day, wants to reverse the work that she has had done.
The 23-year-old is desperate to remove the outrageous G size breast implants that she had fitted late last year.

'I’m desperate to go back to normal,' she confides to U.S. magazine Life & Style. 'I’m downgrading and going a little smaller, to a D or a double D.'
Heidi had the breast augmentation on November 20, her second such operation, shortly after the operation she said that she wanted to go still bigger, going up to an H cup.
But now, she's changed her mind, telling Life & Style that nine months after her last operation she is still in pain and that her body hasn't gotten used to her new form: 'I have major anxiety about it,' she says. ' I was taking painkillers but they weren’t working so I stopped. It hurt.'
Montag says she is unable to hug her four dogs and is only able to wear special custom made clothing: 'I'm obsessed with fitness but it’s impossible to work out with these boobs' she says. 'It’s heartbreaking. I can’t live an everyday life.'
Montag shares that she is currently shopping for a doctor in South America but is worried that she will be trapped with her new body forever following the death of her last plastic surgeon, Dr. Frank Ryan, who died in a car accident on August 17.
'I feel trapped in my own body,' Heidi says. 'There's just no fixing it. Dr. Ryan knows the work he did, he knows everything.'
Ryan underwent severe criticism after he performed ten procedures in one day on Montag, including a brow lift, ear-pinning, chin reduction, rhinoplasty and her breast augmentation.
Montag revealed that she had almost died from too much Demerol, which had reduced her breath rate to five breaths per minute, but insisted it was worth it.

She says though that her then husband, Spencer Pratt was against her going under the knife. 'No one wants to be taking care of his wife who looks like she'd been in a horrific accident,' she says, adding he 'begged her not to do it in the first place.'
Montag claims she now wants to live a simple life in Costa Rica. 'I just really want to get out of Hollywood. I don't have anything back home: no family, no friends.'
Montag has been been back in the headlines around the world this week following reports that Pratt is trying to sell a sex tape for $5 million, although she has denied one exists.
source: dailymail