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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What You Need to Know About Beer Bellies

Is there any beverage that’s more versatile than beer? The malted barley brew can provide a way to bond with buddies, celebrate victories, mourn defeats, and is almost a prerequisite for watching sports.However, if your waistline has started to expand into the stereotypical beer belly zone, you may be looking with disdain at that pint in your hand.It’s commonly assumed that there is a direct correlation between the amount of beer men consume and the size of their beer bellies, but how accurate is this perception? We’ve investigated the connection between beer and beer bellies, so read on to learn the truth.Is there really a link between beer and beer bellies?An Overview of Beer BelliesTo be as succinct as possible, beer bellies are and are not a direct result of too much beer.Despite the common ”beer belly” moniker, excess belly flab is not always caused by swigging too many pints of liquid bread. Beer, at around 140 calories per 12-ounce bottle, is high in calories and frequent imbibing can result in the extra calories that lead to a distended waistline. So, in this case, there is a link. However, like fat that appears in other areas of the body, it has more to do with how many overall calories you consume versus how many you’re burning through regular exercise. Your body can’t tell the difference between beer-related calories and extra calories from any other food. So, the answer is also, no.Is there any beverage that’s more versatile than beer? The malted barley brew can provide a way to bond with buddies, celebrate victories, mourn defeats, and is almost a prerequisite for watching sports.However, if your waistline has started to expand into the stereotypical beer belly zone, you may be looking with disdain at that pint in your hand.It’s commonly assumed that there is a direct correlation between the amount of beer men consume and the size of their beer bellies, but how accurate is this perception? We’ve investigated the connection between beer and beer bellies, so read on to learn the truth.Is there really a link between beer and beer bellies?An Overview of Beer BelliesTo be as succinct as possible, beer bellies are and are not a direct result of too much beer.Despite the common ”beer belly” moniker, excess belly flab is not always caused by swigging too many pints of liquid bread. Beer, at around 140 calories per 12-ounce bottle, is high in calories and frequent imbibing can result in the extra calories that lead to a distended waistline. So, in this case, there is a link. However, like fat that appears in other areas of the body, it has more to do with how many overall calories you consume versus how many you’re burning through regular exercise. Your body can’t tell the difference between beer-related calories and extra calories from any other food. So, the answer is also, no.How to Get Rid of a Beer BellySo you’ve had a few too many pints and chicken wings over the years, which has led to unwanted belly bulge. How do you undo the damage you’ve wreaked on your waistline and get rid of that beer belly once and for all?For starters, it isn’t going to be easy. Visceral fat is stubborn and it will take some hard work to make it go away. Your best bet is to use a multi-pronged attack: consume fewer calories (including those brewskies) and start moving your body. Fat-burning, or aerobic, exercise is going to be your biggest ally in the war against the beer belly. Run, walk, swim, bike, play sports — you can do nearly anything as long as you’re building up a sweat. Try to exercise five times a week for at least 30 minutes each session.It’s always a good idea to augment fat-burning exercise with strength training, but start slowly and give your muscles a day or two of rest between weight training. Also, no matter what those late-night infomercials tell you, there’s no way to spot-train a beer belly into submission. No amount of sit-ups is going to give you washboard abs if your stomach is buried under a layer of fat — your muscles will be getting stronger, but they will also be invisible because they’re covered by flab.Beer or BustBeer belly, pot belly, muffin top, love handles; you can use whichever cutesy nickname you like to describe that paunch around your middle, but it all boils down to the same unpleasant reality known as belly fat.If you’re one of the lucky men who have danced through life paunch free so far, don’t think you’re safe from developing a beer belly. The best way to prevent flab from making a home on your waistline is to live as if you’re trying to get rid of it. Eat healthy foods, stay active and when you indulge in alcohol, do so in moderation. This should go a long way toward making sure the dreaded beer belly stays far away from you.source: