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Saturday, August 21, 2010

iPods killing football: Premier League striker says MP3 players are making stars 'miserable'

By Daily Mail Reporter

Morale sapper: Ashley Cole and Steven Gerrard are among the England players frequently seen wearing headphones. Striker Dave Kitson claims the trend is making players miserable

'Changing rooms should be buzzing with anticipation and energy before a game.'

A Premier League footballer claims iPods are ruining the sport because players are choosing to listen to them when they should be interacting with teammates.

Stoke City striker Dave Kitson said the devices made players 'miserable' and crushed morale during the crucial period before matches when teammates should be bonding.

'I find iPods one of the most antisocial things to have come into the changing room,' he said.

Concerned for the game: Dave Kitson claims iPods are 'antisocial'

'But more and more I see players slumped around in their own world, generally looking miserable.'

Footballers are frequently spotted wearing headphones on their way to and from games - the time Kitson said should be spent bonding with teammates.

He said instead of listening to their own music, players should be encouraged to listen to the same thing.

'Music can be a great motivational tool, but it works far better if everyone listens to the same thing and talks to each other.'

'I like to think music should be used to get you up for a game of football, not for relaxing you.'

'Football is not relaxing.'

Strong handed English Manager Fabio Capello has banned players from using iPods and phones.

The glum, solitary expressions on the faces of England players before and after matches are in stark contrast to the approach of the Ghana team.

The players, whose country made it through to the World Cup quarter-finals, were often seen singing together on their team bus.

Teammates: Jermaine Defoe and Aaron Lennon head for a team dinner during the World Cup with headphones around their necks

source: dailymail