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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

An injection of gas could help you lose weight

By Roger Dobson

The gas that makes drinks fizzy could help people lose weight

Carbon dioxide - the gas that makes drinks fizzy - may help people lose weight.

Injections of carbon dioxide are being used to tackle fat levels in obese people at risk of future health problems.

Researchers believe the jabs will trick the body into a response that results in fatty tissue shrinking, and resulting in a reduced waist circumferences

A large waist circumference is linked to an increased risk of a number of health problems, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Carbon dioxide is a natural gas, produced by the cells in our bodies. Non-toxic, it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and expelled via our breath and kidneys.

In the treatment, known as carboxytherapy - a fine needle is used to inject carbon dioxide just under the skin.

The procedure takes just a few minutes and is believed to work because the gas diffuses into the surrounding tissues, causing blood vessels to dilate.

Wider vessels mean a stronger blood supply, which brings a rush of oxygen and nutrients to the treated area.

The carbon dioxide kills fat cells, while the extra oxygen eliminates fluid build-up between cells.

In a small study at the University of Siena in Italy, 48 women with fatty tissue on the thighs, knees, and abdomen were in injected with the gas.

Results were promising. On average, their thighs reduced by 2cm, and they lost 1cm from each knee and 3 cm from their stomach.

The latest clinical trial at Northwestern University in America will be the first to specifically target overweight patients.

Women with a waist circumference over 35in, and men with one over 40ins, will be injected with the gas. The aim is to reduce waist circumference and also waist-to-hip ratio.

After losing the weight, patients will be encouraged to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Professor Nick Finer of University College London, former chairman of the UK Association for the Study of Obesity, said that while the therapy may reduce waist size, it was not a permanent fix and unlikely to lower health risks.

'These injections are tackling the fat under the skin, but it is stored fat in the abdomen that raises the risk of diabetes, heart disease and so on.

'Having said that, if this can give patients the psychological boost they need to adopt a healthier lifestyle, then it can only be a good thing.'

source: dailymail