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Saturday, September 11, 2010

There she blows: Katherine Jenkins has a gusty Marilyn Monroe moment at boat show launch in Southampton

By Daily Mail Reporter

Marilyn moment: Katherine Jenkins struggles to retain her modesty while performing at the launch of two yachts at the PSP Southampton Boat Show

Something really put the wind up Katherine Jenkins when she performed in Southampton today.

The 30-year-old had a Marilyn Monroe moment when a gust of wind blew her skirt skywards as she sang on the opening day of the PSP Southampton Boat Show.

The opera singer nevertheless managed to keep herself shipshape on the deck of a £12m Sunseeker motor yacht and not reveal too much.

There she blows: The singer struggles to subdue her voluminous skirt, in an echo of Marilyn Monroe's famous moment in The Seven Itch, right

A sheepish Jenkins tweeted afterwards: 'Oops, may have chosen the wrong dress - The wind kept blowing my skirt up mid song -a real life Marilyn moment!'

'I wish I'd had my Bridget Jones Pants on!'

Still, there were plenty of other ocean-going distractions to divert onlookers from a glimpse of Ms Jenkins' smalls.

Running for 10 days, the show features more than 1,000 boats, many displayed in a huge purpose-built marina.

Life on the ocean waves: Katherine laughs off her wardrobe malfunction afterwards

Deck hands: Dragons' Den star Theo Paphitis and wner of Sunseeker Robert Braithwaite, left, were on the yacht to watch Katherine perform

Also at the waterborne expo today were Dragons' Den star Peter Pahites and

And aside from opening boatshows, Katherine has been keeping busy buying a new house with TV presenter beau Gethin Jones.

Katherine and the former Blue Peter presenter Gethin, 32, are said to have bought a £4.7million luxury pad in Richmond, west London.

Meanwhile, Popstar To Operastar and budding actress judge Katherine Jenkins has admitted she was worried about appearing in the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas special.

Sail away: Theo Paphitis, Robert Braithwaite and Katherine declare the Southampton Boat Show open - and the singer's skirt is behaving again

The classical singer said that despite fears about her acting skills, she was given support by her co-stars Matt Smith and Michael Gambon.

She told the Radio Times: 'I've not done any acting before, so I wasn't sure if I even could.

'But I read for the part and on my 30th birthday, they called to say I'd got it.'
Katherine added: 'Matt and Michael have been really encouraging. I can't wait to see the results.'

Jenkins added: 'I learned so much from simply watching Michael Gambon, and he was always telling great stories about all the actors he's worked with. Matt and I would sit and listen to him for hours.'

source: dailymail