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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Maximizing Your Load, Strange Curves And More

Sex Q&ABy Dr. Hernando Chaves Unwanted curveHi Doc,I've been noticing that my penis seems to be curving more to the left side when I masturbate more. I use to masturbate a few times a month, and I observed that the more I masturbate, the curvier my penis is. Is there any prevention from getting curvier? Please doc, I really need your advice on this. Thanks. - Joao S., Boston MAI’ve never heard of any credible correlation between masturbation and penis curvature. If this were true my penis would be a pretzel. If the overwhelming majority of men masturbate, that would mean almost all men would be dealing with changing penis shape and curvature, which isn’t the case. Most male members have a unique shape or a slight bend or curve in some direction, but we should pay careful attention when we’re seeing changes right before our eyes. It’s possible your stroking habits are bringing to the surface other penis issues you may not be aware of. Do you have any pain with erection, tenderness, bruising, discoloration, or pain in the internal shaft? Even if you answered no, penis trauma can still be present. Sometimes guys will hear a pop and feel the pain, other times it’s not so obvious. Possible related causes include Peyronie’s disease, sports injuries, tight clothing, genes, and penis injuries during sexy time. It’s extremely important to get your penis to an MD for a checkup. There are treatments available that are effective, and the sooner the better. dating vs. doing itDear Dr. Chaves,How long do you think a girl should wait before she has sex with a guy? It seems like nothing works! I’ve tried waiting for a long time and teasing a guy, and I’ve slept with a guy on the first night. I get the same results. Why can’t dating just happen? Help!-Sara R., Raton, NMThe truth is there isn’t one answer to this question; it varies from person to person. There are many possibilities that influence why dating works out or why it fizzles; it’s not math where A+B=C. Sex is one of the factors we use to figure if it’s going to work out in addition to factors like timing, positive/negative past experiences, physical attraction, chemistry, relationship goals, and the partners we choose. There is something to be said for waiting, creating desire and “the chase.” Lots of men unconsciously like the competitive challenge of becoming sexual with a partner and other guys get annoyed with chasing. It really comes down to creating the best you for others to fall for. Highlight your most attractive qualities and work to improve areas you feel might be lacking. If you’re having trouble looking at yourself objectively and honestly, ask your friends and family for some hints. Do what feels natural and comfortable for you with regards to waiting. He’ll likely stick around if he likes what he sees and experiences, whether he has to wait or not.sensory sexHey Doctor Chaves,I heard on a documentary about something called "sensation play for sex." I don’t know what that means or what they’re talking about. Isn’t everything we do in sex playing with our senses?I like the way you’re thinking; everything we do sexually does involve the senses. Our brain is our biggest sex organ and where our central nervous system processes sensation. Sight (porn, physical features), sound (dirty talk, moaning, music), smell (body scent, flavors), taste (partner’s juices, flavors), and touch (massage, spanking) are all stimuli that affect us uniquely. Through exploration, many people test out their senses to see what feels most pleasurable.There is also sensory deprivation sensation play. When we limit one or more of the senses, it often accentuates the others. Using a blindfold is a perfect example. By factoring out the sight sense, our other senses can be amplified. Imagine the enhanced touch sensation of a feather, the lick of a tongue, or an ice cube when our eyes are covered or the erotic sound of dirty talk or heavy breathing while blindfolded -- could be hot stuff for some. g-spot injectionDoc,I heard about something called a G-spot injection that’s supposed to help girls have better G-spot orgasms. Is this true? Does it work?- Allie R., Tarzana, CABefore you shell out almost $2,000 and allow a 3 ½-inch needle near your vagina, please hear me out. The procedure, developed by Dr. David Matlock, injects a collagen substance into the G-spot to increase its size, making it more accessible to stimulation. His website,, states “enhanced sexual arousal and sexual gratification for 87% of normal sexually functioning women,” but this number is derived from his own studies and critics have questioned the scientific research behind it. His website also says: “Dr. Matlock is currently conducting numerous studies on the effectiveness of his procedures.” It’s been years and I’m eager for the studies to be published. Some women say they’ve felt a positive difference in G-spot sensitivity and others noticed no change. I also wonder about placebo effects (believing it works, therefore it does). Until there’s more research and proof, I’m skeptical. Personally, if I were a woman, I’d rather spend a few hundred bucks on sex toys and have a G-spot discovery sex marathon instead. Besides, the injections absorb into the body after 4-6 months, requiring additional injections. At least the toys would still be there.come quantityHey Doctor Chaves,When I have sex and come, I don’t shoot that much. I’ve seen in videos guys having a lot more come and I was wondering if there is anything I can do about giving me a bigger load?- Sean T., Lexington, KYAnother disciple of Peter North videos? Mr. North is widely known in the porn industry for having huge amounts of ejaculate that could fill a bucket. There are a few things you can do to increase your load. If you’re masturbating before sex or earlier in the day, this will minimize your semen volume. Try saving that plentiful first ejaculation for a day or two, if you can. Also, the amount of stimulation time during sex will affect the size of your wad. Longer sex sessions will tap into your semen reserve, so to speak; try to refrain from quickies and use a slow buildup. Frequent exercise and a well-balanced diet are fuel for your body, so eat right and be healthy. Eating protein-rich gelatin and egg whites are little-known secrets that many professionals in the porn biz use to increase their ejaculation volume. Lastly, doing Kegel exercises will add some power behind your money shots for increased speed and distance.source: