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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Elf'n safety's 'festive' cone is replaced as 5,000 protest online in Dorset

By Daily Mail Reporter

A town that put up a bizarre Christmas cone because health and safety feared a real tree might fall over and injure passers-by has replaced it. The controversial artificial tree had no branches or decorations and was held down by two tons of ballast to stop it falling over. But locals branded the 33ft tall cone a 'witch's hat' before 5,000 of them joined a Facebook protest group against it. Residents in Poole, Dorset, were celebrating yesterday after it was taken down and swapped with a traditional 30ft Norway spruce tree

Complaints: The original 'traffic cone' fake tree in Poole, Dorset, was taken down after it was vandalised by angry locals. The local shopping centre has funded its replacement - a 30ft Norwegian spruce

Town crier David Squire said: 'Common sense has prevailed. I am all for keeping people safe but I do believe the world has gone mad with these over the top health and safety rules.'

'I am a traditionalist so I am delighted to see a real tree at last. You can't go up to an artificial tree and smell the beautiful pine needles.'

Officials chose the cone tree amid fears that a traditional fir might blow over in high winds.

They said guy ropes would look unsightly and feared the council would be liable to pay compensation if it struck and injured someone.

The cone tree was paid for by the Poole Town Centre Management Board - a body made up of businesses and the local council.

Traffic cone: The fake tree, which was covered in Astroturf-style cladding was vandalised by an angry local

But as soon as it was installed in the town's main square it was immediately ridiculed by residents as a waste of money.

At one point, panels of its Astroturf-style cladding was ripped off by a vandal who climbed up it.

The cone tree has been sent away to be repaired and officials are due to meet in the new year to decide its fate.

The new tree was donated by the town's Dolphin Shopping Centre, which is believed to have cost around £4,000 to buy and install.

Stephanie Lacey, manager of the centre, said: 'We were quite surprised at how quickly people formed their opinion of the cone tree. I think it was something that was just a bit different.

'The tree was vandalised last week and had to be taken away to be repaired. We didn't want there to be no tree at all in the main square so we have donated one.

Traditional: The town square was cordoned off today as the new tree was put in place

'Lots of people have said they would like to have a real tree so we really hope people will like it and take it to their hearts.'

Ron Walker, whose office overlooks the square, said: 'The last tree was hideous. None of my customers liked it, I couldn't repeat what they said about it. The new tree is much better.'

People voiced their opinions on the cone tree on the Facebook page 'We don't care about Health and Safety, Poole needs a proper Christmas Tree'
Jonathan Sibbett, chairman of Poole Town Centre Management Board, said: 'We are delighted the shopping centre has been able to step in and ensure Poole shoppers have a Christmas tree this year.

'We opted to have an artificial tree this year after feedback from shoppers and residents. This led to the decision to bring in something different this festive season.'
