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Sunday, December 13, 2009

'SNL' Video: Taylor Lautner on Edward's Team

The Jacob Black of 'New Moon' beheaded Kanye West's mannequin before dressing in pink shirt emblazoned with 'Team Edward'.

As the first from "Twilight" pack to host "Saturday Night Live", Taylor Lautner did an impressive job of making fun of the film, Michael Jackson and football quarterback. The actor managed to deliver good one-liners during his opening monologue and drew laughters on several sketches that saw him donning blonde wig and also dressing in "Team Edward" shirt.

Lautner kicked off the night by greeting the audience with "It's great to be here hosting 'Saturday Night Live. I remember when 'SNL' first started, I was negative eighteen at the time." He also made fun of his role in "The Twilight Saga's New Moon" who was portrayed shirtless most of the time. "I took my shirt off a lot. Too much, in fact. Even Matthew McConaughey told me to cool it," he said.

Toward the end of the monologue, Lautner said he regretted not being able to stand up for his rumored-girlfriend Taylor Swift when Kanye West interrupted her speech at this year's MTV Music Video Awards. "What I really wanted to do was this," he said before giving a mannequin of the rapper a karate chop.

Lautner did several mediocre skits that had him posing as a nervous quarterback named Phil Pomeroy, playing a husband to pregnant Abby Elliott, and being one of four choir singers named Mikash. But the greatest laugh was placed at the end of the night when Lautner played Marianna, a high-school teenager obsessed with Edward Cullen. Jenny Slate played his lab partner who was on Team Jacob. "How can I ever trust her scientific conclusions if she prefers Jacob to Edward?" Marianna said. "Jacob smells like a wet dog!"

Lautner also made out with a Robert Pattinson notebook and said that Jacob's abs were technology-boosted. "If those abs were real, then the dude who played Jacob deserves an Oscar," he said.

Opening Monologue