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Saturday, January 16, 2010

'Venice of the North': Flooding could transform Hull into a canal city if sea levels continue to rise

Waterworld: In the future, a series of waterways in the centre of Hull (pictured) could rival Venice (below), it has been suggested. The idea being that the centre of the historic city be protected by the canals

Water levels that are tipped to rise by 4ft next century could see Hull transformed into 'the Venice of the north', say architects who are drawing up plans for the city's rejuvenation.

They call for radical thinking and say town planners should allow areas of the city to flood, while ensuring the historic centre is maintained.

The advice is contained in a report by the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Institution of Civil Engineers.

The study warns that the UK's 7,500 miles of coastline face an growing threat for as well as rising sea levels, there are the dangers of a sinking land mass in the South and increased storminess.

About 10million people in England and Wales live in flood risk areas.

The report looks at options for re-engineering Hull and Portsmouth, which are the two UK cities most under threat from rising sea levels, and calls for authorities to be proactive in ensuring cities are ready for an increased risk of sea flooding.

'With the rising water levels, coastal cities like Hull are going to experience pain along the way, Ewan Willars head of policy at Building Futures, told the Telegraph.

'You will have to pick the areas that you want to defend and, as historic centres are usually the most important, they are the obvious choice.

'In the case of Hull, you could have a walled historic city in the middle surrounded by waterways. It could be the Venice of the North.'

The report warns that if the issue is ignored the consequences are likely to be serious including 'hazardous fast-flowing floods, potential loss of human life, abandonment of cities, billion-pound damage bills and local economic collapse'.

Houses on stilts, floating communities and returning urban areas to saltmarsh should all be considered as part of approaches to tackling the threat.

The proposals cover various scenarios including 'retreating', 'defending' and 'attacking' for example by building out into the water.

According to the "retreating" scenario, Hull, which is mostly only 2m to 4m above sea level but is an important port, could see the historic centre protected and turned into an island linked to the rest of city by bridges.

The threat to Portsmouth of rising sea levels is apparent in this image which shows the Royal Navy's newest warship, HMS Dauntless, entering the port

Or it could be defended with tide gates to protect against tidal surges and a new sea wall as a "living wall" with commercial, residential and recreational properties included to entice private investment in the defences.

Under the attacking strategy drawn up in the report, a series of inter-connected piers could extend from the land, which would have a two-tier design with transport underneath a pedestrian top layer.

The piers would contain residential, business and recreational development, and lead to the creation of marinas and floating communities as part of efforts to increase the amount of space in the city available to be developed.

Homes in vulnerable areas could be adapted so that living space was moved upstairs while new development could be on stilts or able to float in times of flooding.

Ruth Reed, president of the Royal Institute of British Architects, conceded that the ideas are ambitious, but argued the UK must adapt to increased flood risks.

'The scenarios we have created are extreme, but it is an extreme threat we are facing,' she said.

'Approximately 10million people live in flood risk areas in England and Wales, with 2.6million properties directly at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea.

'However, if we act now, we can adapt in such a way that will prevent mass disruption and allow coastal communities to continue to prosper. But the key word is 'now'.'

Chairman of the ICE steering group, Ben Hamer, said: 'A proactive and united, almost war-like approach is needed if we are to win the battle against what is set to be our biggest challenge in the next century, the 'water invasion'."

He said the UK needed to urgently change the way it planned, built and designed at-risk communities, and there would have to be some very creative thinking about how solutions could be developed to be financially sustainable.

Bret Davies, coastal engineer at Portsmouth City Council, said the report was designed to provoke discussion but the 'retreat' and 'attack' proposals were not realistic for the city.

'At the moment, we're working with other councils on producing a North Solent shoreline management plan. Residents can have a say on this now, before it's finalised.

'The plan proposes defending the Portsmouth coastline for the next 100 years by 'holding the line' - which means improving and maintaining the sea defences we have now.

'We believe this is the best long-term policy for Portsmouth, and an affordable one.'

source: dailymail