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Monday, December 14, 2009

'Tiger texted his other mistresses while we lay in bed together': The weeping words of Wood's blonde model

By David Gardner

A weeping blonde model claimed yesterday that she ended her affair with Tiger Woods after she woke up in the middle of the night to find him texting other mistresses.

Tears for the TV screen: Cory Rist claimed Tiger Woods would text other women while they were in bed but denied being a prostitute

Cori Rist, 31, who has a seven-year-old son, said she initially believed the billionaire golfer when he told her his marriage was on the rocks.

And she thought she was the only 'other woman' in his life - until she caught him secretly sending texts while he was in bed with her.

'I would wake up sometimes in the night in hotels with him and hear him text messaging,' she told a U.S. breakfast TV show on the day an 11th woman was named as a Woods mistress. 'I'd lie there and realise he was having a conversation, so I suspected there were others.'

Woods, 33, has kept out of sight since women started coming forward to expose him as a serial love cheat.

His Swedish wife, Elin, was spotted at the weekend without her wedding ring at a petrol station near their home in Orlando, Florida.

Taking a break: Tiger Woods has stopped playing golf in a bid to save his family

The missing gold band fuelled speculation that the 29-year-old mother of two is on the verge of dumping Woods.

Miss Rist, from New York, broke down in tears as she told how she gradually came to realise Woods had been lying to her.

'He has a way to make you believe that he is a very honest and good man. But I realised the things he was telling me were false. I'm not like most of these girls. I'm a mum and I try to set the right example by my son.'

She said of Woods's wife: 'I'm just sorry for her pain. One day I will have to look my son in the face and explain all this.'

She said she and Woods had a physical relationship for six months after meeting in a New York club in 2006, but remained friends for two years afterwards.

Miss Rist said she was speaking out in response to claims that Woods paid her for sex.

Asked how she felt when she learned she was just one of many mistresses, she said: 'It's disappointing, because I think we all would like to think we were special. I don't know how he had time to have so many women in his life.'

The golfer's chances of saving his five-year marriage were not helped last night when former nightclub waitress Julie Postle was named as mistress No 11.

Miss Postle was only 20 when she met Woods at a nightclub in Orlando, according to her former boyfriend Brian Kimbrough.

'She said Tiger told her that his marriage was for publicity,' said Kimbrough, 28. He told the New York Post that Miss Postle, now 25, called him once from Woods's family home.

'She was in his closet at 5am calling me and he was in the background telling her to get off the phone.'

As the Mail reported yesterday, child protection officers have visited Woods's home following the incident in which he crashed his car into a nearby tree.

They were unable to talk to Woods or his wife but are said to be investigating a possible domestic violence incident involving a golf club.

Elin Woods is pictured without her wedding ring (left), while Julie Postle (right) was named as Tiger's 11th mistress by her former boyfriend

According to a police report, published on the RadarOnline website, investigators suspect the incident happened in front of the couple's children, Sam, two and ten-month-old Charlie.

Following the latest revelations, the business consulting firm Accenture, which paid Woods up to 10million pounds a year, has said he is 'no longer the right representative for its advertising'.

Gillette and the phone giant AT&T are already cooling their relationships with him and Gatorade is dropping its Tiger brand sports drink.

Woods's biggest sponsor, Nike, has stood by him, as has the Tag Heuer watch firm, but more corporate defections appear likely.
