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Friday, July 30, 2010

Lindsay Lohan to check straight into her rehab centre by the sea (but will she get the top bunk?)

By Kelly Hartog

Bunking with Lindsay? Some of the bedrooms at Morningside Recovery in Newport Beach where Lindsay Lohan will reportedly spend 90 days have bunk beds

This is the new home Lindsay Lohan is believed to be moving straight into as soon as she finishesher stint behind bars.

Morningside Recovery rehab centre is in Newport Beach just outside Los Angeles is a wealthy enclave by the sea that was frequently used as a location in the hit TV series The O.C..

But any hopes Lohan had that she might have a brief interlude before going into rehab after being released from jail have been dashed.

About to be released: Lindsay Lohan, pictured here in her prison mugshot

A Los Angeles Court judge is now stating that she must report directly to rehab from jail.

However, the 24-year-old star will be pleased to learn that the establishment where she will begin her 90-day in-patient treatment is far from bleak.

Morningside Recovery's website says: 'Orange County, California is a place of peace and serenity, which helps to offer the best temporal and scenic environment for those suffering from drug addiction, alcoholism, and/or co-occurring disorders through their journey to recovery.'

Billed as an 'exclusive addiction and dual diagnosis facility providing drug and alcohol rehab, and mental health and dual diagnosis services,' the rooms at Morningside look more in keeping with a summer camp than a rehab centre.

The building is divided into separate houses and decorated in muted beige tones with simple, yet comfortable furnishings.

Outside there is a large wooden deck, lush green gardens, a patio table, chairs and umbrella.

Indoors there are lounges with comfy couches, fireplaces and television sets and the bedrooms are fairly spacious with balconies that have ocean views. However, there are two beds to each room.

Green and relaxing: Lush outdoor gardens with high fences to keep prying paparazzi out should make Lohan happy

It's unclear whether Lohan will be housed in her own room or if she'll have a room mate. Some of the bedrooms do have bunks, so the Mean Girls star might find herself fighting over who gets the top bed.

Each house has a kitchen with appliances and cooking utensils and a television in the lounge. However, residents can only watch TV during scheduled hours and they are assigned daily chores to keep their house clean.

Unlike her sparse cell in jail where she apparently doesn't have a pillow and has just a thin sheet, Lohan will be provided with bed linen, bath towels a comforter and a pillow and she'll also be allowed to bring her own personal toiletries.

Warm welcome: The entrance to one of the houses where Lohan will spend 90 days

Banned items though include medications not pre-approved or without prescriptions, over the counter medications, alcohol based mouthwash, hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohols or any items that contain alcohol.

Lohan will be entitled to a weekly food allowance of just $75.00, which can only be spent at the local supermarket and cannot be used to buy tobacco or alcohol.

The allowance is given in the form of a card and 'serves to teach important life skills of responsibility, budgeting, and meal planning,' something that Lohan is probably not used to at all. On top of that she'll only receive $40 twice a week for pocket money.

Welcome to Morningside Recovery: The Newport Beach 'exclusive' facility boasts a variety of treatments to help addicts

While she won't be able to go on her usual spending sprees, Lohan will be able to continue to work out. All residents are 'required to participate in some form of physical activity and are given passes to a local fitness club.'

Lohan, who has been incarcerated at the Lynwood Correctional Facility since July 20 could be released as early as this Sunday. She was sentenced to 90 days in jail for violating her probation over drunk driving charges in 2007.

However, due to time off for good behaviour and overcrowding in the jail, Lohan was expected to spend just 13 days in the slammer.

source: dailymail